Brake Kit Installation
Stub Shaft and Brake Block (spline) Loctite 242 motor fan Brake-kit unit assembly

Installation Instructions

  1. Remove original fan cover from motor.
  2. Remove snap ring on NDE, and remove original fan.
  3. Install supplied stub shaft using supplied key, and set screws.
  4. Apply Loctite 242 to threads of set screws and install.
  5. Install supplied fan on the stub shaft. It should be heated with either a heat gun or in hot water prior to installation to prevent cracking or other damage. Push fan on until it covers the knurled section of the stub shaft.
  6. Remove brake from housing. Make sure you read the brake installation sheet from Stearns. If you remove the support plate assembly without manually releasing the brake [keeping it released until it is mounted back in place again] it will disable the brake.
  7. Install adapter housing, where the old fan cover was, using non-marring type hammer and supplied bolts.
  8. Install brake block [spline] on stub shaft using careful measurement so it engages all brake pads but doesn't rub on the internal parts of the brake.
  9. Re-install the brake on the housing, being careful not to release the brake until it is fully assembled.
  10. Test manual release of brake after fully assembled for smooth rotation of assembly.
  11. Connect brake to nameplate voltage and check electrical operation.
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